Hiking Mileage Rankings

RankUserMileageHikesAverageLatest Log Entry
396bkalmick4.00 22.00 03/13/2010
396Brian Nickels4.00 14.00 03/20/2009
396bugsparrow4.00 14.00 09/04/2010
396chris_xg4.00 14.00 12/31/2006
396ckf4.00 14.00 09/24/2011
396cnisbeth4.00 14.00 07/25/2009
396Corva4.00 14.00 04/17/2007
396crazyk854.00 14.00 12/21/2010
396epowell4.00 22.00 09/27/2009
396fatcat574.00 14.00 10/07/2007
396Hoganator4.00 14.00 03/09/2010
396JennHiker4.00 14.00 08/03/2002
396jjnipp7694.00 22.00 05/07/2008
396jorge1000xl4.00 14.00 01/24/2005
396JustWantToPaddle4.00 14.00 06/02/2007
396lauraumstattd4.00 22.00 12/30/2006
396Lloyd4.00 14.00 08/15/2004
396musclemechanic4.00 14.00 02/03/2009
396narpigeon4.00 22.00 09/22/2010
396Peter Maurer4.00 14.00 07/11/2004
396Prowler 134.00 14.00 07/14/2006
396rpmcgill4.00 31.33 06/18/2010
396sbrent4.00 14.00 04/08/2006
396scarlet4.00 14.00 10/07/2003
396snakesat4.00 14.00 07/27/2003

These stats only apply to activity recorded within the area covered by Austin Explorer.

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