Hiking Mileage Rankings

RankUserMileageHikesAverageLatest Log Entry
340goffree5.00 15.00 08/03/2009
340golfnut4u5.00 15.00 11/01/2005
340h_meloy395.00 15.00 02/07/2008
340hiker655.00 15.00 05/03/2010
340infernoii5.00 15.00 12/25/2008
340iskarl5.00 15.00 09/20/2005
340JKTX5.00 22.50 10/25/2009
340joed5.00 15.00 12/16/2012
340juanjochieh5.00 15.00 04/03/2005
340kathyhearn5.00 22.50 11/04/2009
340Kempf15.00 15.00 11/07/2009
340laceyg5.00 15.00 06/06/2005
340ladyleatherneck5.00 15.00 04/24/2009
340Melena5.00 22.50 04/07/2009
340mrpitcher5.00 15.00 03/12/2005
340PenskeFile5.00 15.00 05/25/2006
340prabal5.00 15.00 01/18/2014
340raidium5.00 15.00 04/19/2009
340raven12895.00 22.50 12/11/2007
340ResearchComm5.00 15.00 02/01/2009
340ryan63515.00 15.00 03/10/2010
340shbronco135.00 15.00 01/21/2009
340shred5.00 15.00 01/08/2004
340simtrav5.00 15.00 05/13/2003
340strykerjxl5.00 15.00 04/05/2006

These stats only apply to activity recorded within the area covered by Austin Explorer.

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