Hiking Mileage Rankings

RankUserMileageHikesAverageLatest Log Entry
322mlleallie5.50 22.75 08/09/2014
322rad5.50 15.50 03/15/2008
322rrtex15.50 15.50 02/12/2011
322skydvrboy5.50 15.50 05/29/2006
322slitslash5.50 15.50 07/31/2004
322tnash5.50 41.38 05/09/2008
332Whit5.42 22.71 11/27/2008
333Dean Geuras5.40 22.70 05/13/2005
334Wannabelikehike5.39 22.70 06/10/2018
335ejboaz5.25 15.25 04/21/2005
335lordrahl5.25 15.25 04/10/2005
337drc5.20 15.20 01/31/2011
337jjuday5.20 41.30 01/05/2008
339spmcfarland5.10 15.10 04/02/2005
340applegatefamily5.00 15.00 04/14/2007
340ayh1235.00 15.00 01/13/2013
340betsy_brunner5.00 15.00 10/15/2005
340Branden5.00 15.00 09/07/2009
340breadolife5.00 15.00 11/02/2002
340chudgins5.00 15.00 03/02/2005
340cprice2k35.00 22.50 04/03/2003
340donnak5.00 15.00 12/31/2005
340Eat Your Veggies5.00 22.50 12/20/2008
340Enyawd5.00 15.00 06/18/2005
340germhunter5.00 15.00 08/06/2005

These stats only apply to activity recorded within the area covered by Austin Explorer.

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