Hiking Mileage Rankings

RankUserMileageHikesAverageLatest Log Entry
293jessforeman6.00 23.00 07/31/2008
293jinxleah6.00 16.00 05/10/2010
293jloop176.00 16.00 05/30/2011
293jmv79306.00 16.00 12/02/2007
293Kim Skotak6.00 16.00 12/21/2009
293kmcippant6.00 23.00 01/01/2011
293LAF6.00 16.00 08/17/2013
293lloydhb6.00 16.00 08/30/2009
293lowburb6.00 16.00 07/02/2011
293MaCtAzTx6.00 23.00 04/11/2010
293maddiereyes016.00 16.00 09/25/2010
293mattvad206.00 16.00 12/02/2007
293minhaj6.00 16.00 04/30/2017
293mstacer6.00 23.00 07/04/2012
293no_3of46.00 23.00 09/30/2010
293trailsheaven6.00 16.00 08/24/2012
293ullearn6.00 16.00 11/13/2011
318satterthwait5.90 22.95 05/14/2005
318wallis5.90 22.95 01/06/2009
320belizeman015.80 22.90 10/09/2004
321smj61075.79 15.79 02/10/2018
322cmbarrick5.50 41.38 05/31/2010
322Ed Kotapish5.50 15.50 11/25/2017
322eezra5.50 22.75 04/08/2006
322gpshiker5.50 15.50 03/16/2008

These stats only apply to activity recorded within the area covered by Austin Explorer.

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