Blaze's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 43  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Average Rating: 3stars (3.10)

Earliest Log Entry: 4/27/2013
Latest Log Entry: 2/14/2016

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.

View Of The Lake

This is a nice lake to go fishing. [Walter E. Long Metropolitan Park]
Log Entries
View Of The Falls
Pedernales Falls - Falls Trail [Hiking] - 2/14/2016  [View Log Page]
Rating: halfstar Difficulty: 1star Solitude: halfstar
Distance: 0.17 Mile Duration: 16 minutes

Just a short hike to the overlook to the falls.  I've been here several times before so I didn't hike down to the river this time.  Still as beautiful as ever.

The Less Travelled Trails Of Pedernales Falls
Pedernales Falls - Wolf Mountain Trail [Hiking] - 2/13/2016  [View Log Page]
Rating: 2stars Difficulty: 2point5stars Solitude: 2point5stars
Distance: 18.00 Miles Duration: N/A

This hike was completely over a 3 day period.  The first part was a 2.1 mile hike to the Primitive Camping Area where I set up my tent for the evening.  The second part was the bulk of the hike (~14 miles), which included much of the Wolf Mountain Trail, some of the South Loop Equestrian Trail, some of the Madrone Trail, and some of the Juniper Ridge Trail (see my track file for the route I took).  The third and last part was a 2.1 mile hike from the Primitive Camping Area back to my car.

I should note that I walked .6 miles at the begininng of Day 2 without having my GPS set correctly, which explains the straight line segment.  I turned my GPS on once I realized my mistake.

Ok, onto the trails.  Basically, it's a "tangled mess" of multi-use (hiking, equestrian and biking) trails.  It's a great place to get some miles in, but I found many of the trails to be inadequately marked and since there are a lot of informal trails running through the woods, it's often unclear which is the "real" trail.  As a result, I got off trail a few times and had to walk along some utility rows until I could get back on the trail.

At the time I did the hike, it was closed to horses so I didn't encounter any on the trail, but I did run into several mountain bikers.

The distance made this hike a little difficult, but it was made easier by a lot of the shade from the mesquite trees.

Now A 5.5 Mile Loop
Pedernales Falls - 5.5 Mile Loop [Hiking] - 2/12/2016  [View Log Page]
Rating: 1point5stars Difficulty: 1point5stars Solitude: 1point5stars
Distance: 6.10 Miles Duration: 2 hours, 22 minutes

From reading previous logs, this used to be called the 4 Mile Loop Trail, but it's now called the 5.5 Mile Loop Trail.  I'm not sure if more distance has been added or if previous measurements were wrong, but my GPS showed 6.17 miles by the time I finished so I believe 5.5 miles is an accurate description since I did a little extra.

The first highlight of the hike was crossing the Pedernales River at Trammel's Crossing.  The water was very shallow (several inches deep), but the current was strong enough to make the mossy rock underneath the surface a little slippery.  The water was also very cold and made my feet numb, but in a good way.

After crossing the river and putting my boots back on, I continued along the trail.  It wasn't very scenic, but the trail was well-maintained and marked.  I was looking forward to the Scenic Overlook, thinking that it may provide a nice view of the Pedernales River, but it did not.  In fact, it was a pretty lame overview of the surrounding hills.  Definitely a disappointment...

By the time I got back to Trammel's Crossing, my feet were a little sore so I was looking forward to the chilly water.

All in all, this is a good day hike that provides a few miles in the Hill Country.

Overlook Trail and Canyon Dam Trail
Overlook Trail [Hiking] - 3/28/2015  [View Log Page]
Rating: 1star Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: halfstar
Distance: 3.00 Miles Duration: 1 hour, 20 minutes

My girlfriend and I hiked both the Overlook Trail and the Canyon Dam Trail at Canyon Lake.  The hike across the dam provided scenic views of the lake.

Part Of The Overlook Trail Hike
Canyon Dam Trail [Hiking] - 3/28/2015  [View Log Page]
Rating: 1star Difficulty: halfstar Solitude: halfstar
Distance: N/A Duration: N/A

My girlfriend and I hiked across the dam and back as part of a longer hike that also included the nearby Overlook Trail.  You can read the log of that hike here.