Beautiful views, some steepish bits

Typical plant community - LOTS of juniper
Nice shade, lovely spicy scent, not a ton of variety.
User: plectrudis - 10/2/2017

Location: St. Edwards Park - Hill Trail

Rating: 3point5stars
Difficulty: 3point5stars  Solitude: 4stars
Miles Hiked: 3.75 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A


Parked at the main lot and hiked east to the dam (crossed on the rocks below the dam).  Stumbled around a bit trying to find the real trail on the far side--would have been easier if I had crossed by the eastern mini-parking lot.

Some of the hilltop views from this trail are really beautiful, and the copious cedars mean that the hike has a lovely, spicy smell.

I didn't have time to go into the golden-cheeked warbler preserve, unfortunately, but it was nevertheless quite a nice hike.  There are some inclines that are a bit aggressive, which is either a good thing or an annoying thing, depending on your preferences, but in between there were plenty of mostly level bits.

Botanizing was a mixed bag--SO MANY junipers and silktassels, over and over--but I did spot a pretty little native orchid and a gnarly old escarpment black cherry, so that was nifty.

Log Photos
Lovely view from on top of the hill
Pretty, autumnal blue skies
Carolina Buckthorn on Edge of Bluff
Typical plant community - LOTS of juniper
Area around St. Edwards Park - Hill Trail