Nice Surprise for the 4th of July

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User: Rajun Cajun - 7/4/2010

Location: Falls Of San Gabriel Trail

Rating: 2stars
Difficulty: 2stars  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 2.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: N/A


We didn't really know what to expect about this  trip but only had limited time so I thought it would be fun to try out this little trail. Took the family and another family for a morning hike on this 4th of July.  It was the first time out for my friend and his little one's (7 & 9) so the the bugs and frogs were an instant attraction.  Hiked to the river and everybody jumped in because the water was flowing and only about six inches deep. Another great feature were the caves along thte way and they had some stalagtites!Great little trail tucked away in an up and coming neighborhood. Remember that at the begenning of the trial is kinda in peoples back yards so try to respect their rights to privacy.

Area around Falls Of San Gabriel Trail