Return to Vaught Ranch Lagoon

Great trail and hunt
User: Austin Explorer - 6/29/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: 2point5stars Terrain: 2point5stars
Found this one with Coppertone. Forgot to bring the bag of goodies, but we enjoyed the hunt. Very nice redirectors! It had us scratching our heads for a while. Ran into bbelk during the hunt.
User: coppertone - 6/29/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: Jessica - 6/27/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: Team GeoDillo - 6/27/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: unclerojelio - 5/18/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: Tholland - 4/13/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: The Diver - 4/12/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
Very nice!
User: Centex Trekker - 1/26/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: 1point5stars Terrain: 1point5stars
Except for the occasional jet flying over, you'd never know how close to civilization you were. OK, forget about the beautiful houses (mini-mansions).
User: Moosiegirl - 1/26/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: txhipowr - 1/22/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: threelanes - 1/3/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: moore9ksucats - 1/1/2003  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: lowracer - 12/18/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: nincehelser - 12/2/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: outofbounds - 12/2/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A