Balcones Canyonlands NWR - Warbler Vista Photos
Return to Balcones Canyonlands NWR - Warbler Vista
I never get tired of views such as this. (Photo by
A view of 1431 winding through the hills. (Photo by
This is one of the views of Lake Travis you get on the trails here. (Photo by
He was not happy. This was on the upper (open) section of Cactus Rocks trail. (Photo by
Almost stepped on this guy. Looked down, heard the rattle, jumped back as he coiled up. Decided to turn around and go back the way I came. (Photo by
A nice view from along Vista Knoll Trail (Photo by
The Cactus Rocks trailhead. Trail guides are available nearby. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
The Cactus Rock part of the trail follows along a ridge, just below some rimrock. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
Here the trees all seem to be leaning in the same direction. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
Only the portions of the trail with a view a couple of others break out of the heavy vegetation. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
The Vista Knoll portion of the trail tends to be rockier and a bit more challenging. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
The loop trail almost encircles a small hill, providing views from many angles. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
Lake Travis can be seen in the distance, winding its way through the hillcountry. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
The interpretive guide marker stones here are the best I've seen anywhere. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
Look from the trail towards Lago Vista. FM 1431 can be seen cutting through the terrain. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
The trail opens up at the vista knoll and near the alternate trailhead. (Photo by
Austin Explorer)
Several birds of prey out (Photo by
Riff Raff)
Fancy interpretive markers (Photo by
Riff Raff)
Observation Deck Interior (Photo by
Riff Raff)