Trail still submerged...

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User: millerdw - 9/9/2007

Location: Good Water Trail

Rating: 3stars
Difficulty: 3stars  Solitude: 5stars
Miles Hiked: 3.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: 1 hour


This was my first visit to Lake Georgetown, and I was impressed with what I saw.  There seems to be a lot less visible development than at other nearby lakes, so that was nice.  The part of the trail I was able to access was quite good, and offered a few nice views of the lake and canyon.

I tried to start my hike from Tejas Camp, but the road into to park was washed out.  I drove back to Russell park and hike 1.5 miles or so towards Tejas Camp before the trail went underwater.  I think this area has a lot of potential, so I'll definitely be back once the lake gets closer to normal...

Area around Good Water Trail