Such a fun and beautiful place!

Panorama from the top
It was cloudy and a bit drizzly when I arrived, but as you can see from this picture a clearing line was making its way over the area. After my first hour here the ky cleared and it was a gorgeous day!
User: heatharcadia - 1/16/2016

Location: Enchanted Rock

Rating: 5stars
Difficulty: 4stars  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 7.69 Miles  Elapsed Time: 5 hours, 6 minutes


I love this place. I wandered around all day, first climbing Enchanted Rock itself and finding the cave on the backside, then I went and climbed Turkey Peak (I chose the harder but shorter route where I had to climb up rocks-- at the top I learned from others there that there is also a longer path that is easier), then I climbed all around and on Freshman Mountain. 

Summit Trail and Enchanted Rock proper is the busiest area by far, but there were other places I explored where I saw no other people.

This place is great because there are easy trails that still have nice views if you ust want to wander around leisurely but there are also tougher trials or you can try climbing on rocks if you wnat a challenge. It is a place I keep returning to (I go at least once a year).

Log Photos
Panorama from the top
Entrance to the cave
Freshman Mountain
Enchanted Rock and Turkey Peak