Return to Deutsch In Texas

User: The Diver - 12/7/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: nincehelser - 11/28/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: Team GeoDillo - 11/9/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
Deutsch In Texas
User: christophe - 9/13/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: halfstar Terrain: halfstar
I have no idea who the person is but I found the grave. It was a little hard reading the name though.
Gray Skies
User: Texas-Gal - 8/10/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: halfstar Terrain: halfstar
After I lived a year in Europe, I thought if I never saw another old gravestone again it would be too soon. But I discovered today how much more fun it is to run across these here in the US, where we just don't have thousands of years of history. Very fun cache, especially on an overcast day.
User: txhipowr - 7/27/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: cluelessandclark - 7/26/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: outofbounds - 7/15/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: Jessica - 6/23/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: jnbarth - 6/8/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: halfstar Terrain: halfstar
It is great seeing some of our local history, especially for us transplants!
User: moore9ksucats - 6/8/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: TreyB - 6/7/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: The Outlaw - 6/7/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
User: Moosiegirl - 6/7/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
Another quick stop.
User: budophylus - 6/4/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: 1star Terrain: 1star
This was a quick find and right along our way.
User: SPQPMP - 5/30/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
Found easily without my GPS
User: threelanes - 5/29/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: halfstar Terrain: halfstar
I was traveling between Applied Materials buildings (45 to 31) and realized how close I was. I didn't have the GPSr but thought I'd see how close I could get using only the information downloaded on to my new Palm m130 using Interesting cemetary but was surprized not to find any Historical Signs. Thanks, Tom
User: unclerojelio - 5/6/2002  [View Log Page]
Rating: N/A Difficulty: N/A Terrain: N/A
